
The Future of Military Education

Graduate America College (GAC) recognizes the value of service and provides assistance to veterans seeking to utilize their VA education benefits. As an eligible veteran, you can access various VA education benefits to cover your tuition and fees at GAC. Our institution is committed to guiding you through the process of applying your VA GI Bill® benefits or your Veteran Readiness and Employment benefits (VR&E) towards your educational expenses.  Stand with pride and step into a brighter future with Graduate America College (GAC), the institution dedicated to empowering military personnel to reach their full potential. As you transition from active service, embark on a journey of continuous learning and professional growth at GAC, where an array of affordable, flexible, and accessible programs await.


Join the Graduate America College Family

At GAC, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by military personnel. We are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to succeed, from comprehensive guidance on applying your VA education benefits to personalized support from our dedicated team. Our dedicated advisors will walk you through the process of maximizing your VA benefits, ensuring you receive the financial assistance you deserve to pursue your educational goals.


Your Military Journey. Your Next Academic Chapter

Your military service has equipped you with invaluable skills and experiences, and at GAC, we recognize the wealth of knowledge you bring to the academic table. Our unique transfer credit policy allows you to seamlessly integrate your military training into coursework, minimizing the time and cost required to complete your degree. Your service experience is not just recognized; it's valued and transformed into academic credit, empowering you to accelerate your academic journey.


Where the Brave Continues to Evolve

GAC is a haven for military personnel seeking to elevate their careers and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workforce. Our extensive range of undergraduate and master's degree programs, spanning various fields, caters to your diverse interests and ambitions. Whether you aim to delve into business administration, cybersecurity, or healthcare management, GAC offers meticulously crafted programs that align with your military expertise and aspirations.